PUNE is an important metropolitan city located near Mumbai, India. Several areas of Pune face shortage of water and in certain areas water tankers supply water only twice of thrice a week.
MISSION PUNE 2050 is a vision of Pune becoming a smart city by creating potable water for itself and solving the issue of shortage of water currently being resolved by tankers in Thergaon area, Laxminagar in North Pune.
MANORA ,Fibre-glass mesh towers engulfed by landscape can be the hub for cultural activities and provide solutions towards potable water for this region. This can be done by strategically placing the tower near an existing storage water tank and connecting a series of underground channels to store water in a collecting chamber amidst the dense landscape.
The structure diameter reduces on the top and the series of dense fibres collect water due to condensation in humid and cool regions.The density of the mesh collects water and channels it to underground storage tanks through a series of fibre meshes.